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Red Bull Stratos - Mission to the Edge of Space

EXCLUSIVE UK EXHIBITION - Free Entry for all Yorkshire Cosplay Con attendees!

The exhibition is dedicated to one of the most famous events of the 21st century and we are proud that it will arrive in Yorkshire - the home of Britain's first astronaut, Helen Sharman OBE.

Red Bull Stratos became one of the most talked about events in modern times as aerospace pioneer Felix Baumgartner traveled to the edge of space in 2012 and leapt into the history books - breaking eight world records in the process! Felix created new boundaries for mankind and has inspired others to fulfill their dreams, as well as set new benchmarks for space and skydiving safety procedures and technology.

The exhibition will allow the opportunity to view the space suit and capsule used by Felix and his team, to help them achieve this incredible feat. These two vessels were crucial in preserving Felix's health and protecting him from the stratosphere's harsh environment.

Described as comparable to a modern day super car due to its incredible technology, the Stratos capsule weighed little more than a VW Beetle at about 1,315 kilograms/2900 pounds. It is still recognised as a technological marvel after safely delivering Felix to Earth from 128,100 feet.

Entrance to the exhibition is free with entry to Yorkshire Cosplay Con.
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